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Here’s the key to Todd Vermont’s bestseller on 10 successful ways to find a job you want.

good job

1. Increase Your Confidence and Self-esteem

1) I have confidence in what I can offer.
2) Look on the positive side in any situation.
3) If you take a positive attitude, you will actually feel positive in the near future.
4) Job interviews are always considered a probability game.
5) I hang out with friends who think positively.

2. Identify Your Key Selling Points

By looking for my own work-related career and strengths, I think about what I can contribute to the company applying for a job. Remember your strengths in detail so that you can speak freely when you are given a chance.

3. Define Your Ideal Job

Before I go on the job front, I take time to try to answer the question, “What is the ideal job I want?” My job search will only be lost and in limbo, until I have a specific set of what I want.

4. Create Resumes and Cover Letters That Stand Out

To be able to stand out in job hunting, you must first be able to write a noticeable resume and cover letter. It is necessary to think of this as a kind of personal promotion that shows what contribution I can make to the company. We should be able to make the most of these golden opportunities.

5. Find Job Opportunities on your own, even if it’s not advertised. Even When They Aren’t Advertised)

The basics are now satisfactory, and the next step is to find an interview opportunity. It should be remembered that this is a probability game. In other words, the more companies apply, the more likely they are to find a suitable job for them.

6. Even if you don’t have a chance of finding a job, get an interview (Get Interviews… Even Where No Jobs Are Available)

Finding good job opportunities and writing resumes is only half the job process. The next thing to do is to promote yourself and get an interview opportunity. To do so, I have to be active and find a way that best suits my personality.

7. Prepare for the interview. Then, no one can defeat you (Prepare For The Interview So Nobody Can Defeat You)

The most important requirement for successful interviews is preparation. This is the most important factor that separates success from failure. In a word, it can be said that if you prepare well, the possibility of passing is greatly increased.

8. Identify the eight ideal personality traits of the candidate the interviewer wants (Learn The 8 Traits Of Ideal Candidates)

By understanding the characteristics of the personality that the interviewer wants from the applicant, the opportunity to pass can be further increased. This is by no means an act of deceit. This is nothing more than an act that emphasizes an aspect of my personality that I usually didn’t think of.
88 characteristics: confidence, readiness, cheerful personality, thorough work ethic, efficiency, creativity, goal-oriented, problem-solving skills

9. Master The 6 Phases of a Successful Interview

1) Self-introduction – Make a good impression on the other person with neat clothes, a smile, and a strong handshake.
2) Relationship-building stage – By finding a common area of interest, the interviewer makes a good impression on me. To do that, you need to relax a little and speak in a non-hard tone.
3) It’s interesting – it’s possible by explaining what I can do for the company and why it’s good to hire me. In general, this can be done by persuading me that I have done something in another company and that I can repeat this in a new company.
4) Eligibility – My interviewer and I will decide whether the ‘matching’ between my skills and the people the company needs. At this stage, I usually ask the interviewer about the company’s organization and its culture to get information. However, don’t make the interviewer tired by asking too many questions.
5) Emphasis on strengths – At this stage, I summarize what I can do for the company.
6) Closing – At this stage, the company decides whether to hire me. At the end of the interview, the interviewer will give you a specific schedule for the follow-up process. However, if the interviewer is vague about informing such a schedule, it should be taken as a sign that he is not very interested in me.

10. Get Excited About the Job Hunt and Interview to Win

Knowing how to find a good job is not enough. To succeed, we must first act. The only way to find a good job will remain as a theory until you put your thoughts into action.
Good luck, everyone.